1960 Geboren in Dnepropetrowsk
1986-1991 Grafikdesign an der Staatlichen Industrieakademie V.N. Mukhina, (Fakultät für Grafik und Druckgrafik), St.
1993-2003 Dozent an der Staatlichen Industrieakademie V.N. Mukhina, St. Petersburg
Seit 2000 Mitglied der Russischen Künstlerföderation
2007 Workshop an der 12. Sommer-Fotoschule von Liptovsky Mikulash,
2007 Eröffnung einer privaten Fotoschule in St. Petersburg.
Lebt und arbeitet als freischaffende Künstlerin in St. Petersburg.
1960 Born in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
1986-1991 Graphic Design at the State Industrial Academy V.N. Mukhina, (Faculty of Graphics and Print Art), St.
1993-2003 Lecturer at the State Industrial Academy V.N. Mukhina, St. Petersburg
Since 2000 Member of the Russian Artist Federation
2007 Workshop at 12th Summer Photoschool of Liptovsky Mikulash,
2007 Opening of a private photoschool in St. Petersburg
Lives and works as a freelance artist in St. Petersburg.
Ausstellungen (Auswahl) / Exhibitions (Selection):
2007 Contemporary Russian Photography and Video Art, Galerie J. J. Heckenhauer, Berlin
2007 Chesire Landscape, Solana Gallery, London (solo)
2006 Kodak, Moscow (solo)
2006 Everything Belongs to Us (The Things Are Looking at Us), Gallery & Edition J.J. Heckenhauer, Berlin
2006 Dostoevsky’s Amsterdam, Gallery Rahmaninov dvorik, St. Petersburg (solo)
2006 Development of Space, Museum of the History of Photography, St. Petersburg (solo)
2005 The Things are Looking at Us, 2ПR Gallery, Poznan, Poland (solo)
2005 Curator of the exibition: Homo Photos. Self Portraits of Photographers, Museum of City Sculpture, St.
2005 Hand Work, Photogallery of the Museum Centre, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2005 Nevski prospectus, exhibition hall of the Pushkin Museum, St. Petersburg
2004 Selected Places, Sakura Hall, Kitagami, Japan
2004 Selected Places, Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg
2004 Poem Without a Hero, Photoversions, Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg
2004 15 Stars Hotel, exhibition hall of NOMI (The New World of Art) Magazine, St. Petersburg
2004 Dedication, State Museum of History of St. Petersburg (Rumyantsev Mansion), St. Petersburg
2004 Hand Work, State Museum of History of St. Petersburg (Rumyantsev Mansion), St. Petersburg
2004 Wordless Letters, Dostoevsky Memorial Museum, St. Petersburg (solo)
2004 One Photo Exhibition Project, Russian National Centre of Photography, St. Petersburg (solo)
2003 Der silberne Schnitt, Gallery & Edition J.J. Heckenhauer / PARIS PHOTO Festival, Paris
2003 Der silberne Schnitt, Gallery & Edition J.J. Heckenhauer, Berlin (solo)
2002 The Silver Cut, Art Collegium Gallery, Moscow (solo)
2002 Little Pets, exhibition hall of the Pushkin State Museum, St. Petersburg (solo)
2002 Landscapes, Moscow International Month of Photography, Photobiennial–2002, A-3 Gallery, Moscow
2002 Wet City, PhotoIMAGE Gallery, St. Petersburg (solo)
2001 New Graphics, Neuhaus Design and Interior Gallery, St. Petersburg (solo)
2000 Children's Room, Alpha–Bank representative office, St. Petersburg (solo)
2000 Nontraditional Photo, Marina Gisich Gallery, St. Petersburg (solo)